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NEWS | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 |
- July 1st 2013
Engine: Version 0.9.3
The 0.9.3 release of the engine includes some improvements and bug fixes. To download the engine in a easy-to-get 60 Mb installer go to the Downloads page.
- New features:
- Added MDLModel functions: setTransition(), setTransitionTimer(), getStoppedTransition()
- Added IM (Imaging Toolkit) support in IUP GUI
- Added primitives: Cylinder, Disk, PartialDisk, Sphere
- Added setPointerVisible(), isPointerVisible()
- Added string.pack(), string.unpack()
- Fixed bug in collisions between ODE objects and BSP geometry
- Added support for Arbitrary Precision Math (MAPM)
- Added support for Video Capture functions (experimental)
- Added support for MySQL databases
- Added support for SQLite databases
- Removed
AngelScript language support
- Removed
SMALL language support
- Removed
CSL language support
- New demo (in Full-Installer):
- Mushroom's Ride shows some of the engine features at work.
You can download the runtime of the engine and the demo packages from the Downloads page. For more detailed descriptions of the demos, visit the Demos page. Feel free to ask more about the new engine capabilities on the forums or by e-mail. Visit the APOCALYX Blog to read daily news about the engine and its development.
- June 30th 2013
Forum: New Apocalyx FORUMS Available!
Thanks to Tom, the official forums related to the APOCALYX 3D Engine has been hosted at xfuj.com for a long time. Now SourceForge.net has provided phpBB support to their users, so I have decided to free Tom's server and move to the new phpBB server. Thank Tom for you great service!
The new APOCALYX Forums are divided into the usual sections:
This section is devoted to questions about the general usage of the engine, such as, but not only, the use of a particular feature or library, report strange behaviors in your own code, or ask for help in the development of tricky algorithms. Also questions about the Lua scripting language are welcome, because Lua is the main language used in the development of APOCALYX-based demos and games.
This section is devoted to questions about the development of games using THIS ENGINE (not games development in general), such as, but not only, the application of particular features or libraries to realize a certain technique useful for your game, report strange behaviors in a large project, or ask for help in the development of the game itself.
Remember also that I post daily news about the development of my own games on the APOCALYX 3D Engine BLOG.
This section is devoted to questions about the LGPL C++ sources of the engine, such as, but not only, the included source code of a third-party library, report strange behaviors in C++ code that you have modified, or ask for additional built-in features. Questions about the C++ language are NOT welcome, because the modification of existent code requires a very good knowledge of C++.
This section is devoted to questions about the third-party tools that you may used to develop your APOCALYX-based demos and games, such as, but not only, the use of a particular source editor (there is a very good one, currently in development, known as NsEditor), the use of certain resource editors (like the BSP editor GtkRadiant), or the other tools listed in the Tools page of the official APOCALYX site.
In this case, I can't guarantee to help you much with my answers, because my knowledge of those tools is not advanced, but I'll try to answer anyway.
I hope that these new forums are going to be a useful tool for all the APOCALYX users.
Feel free to post frequently! I'll answer as soon as possible.
- June 17th 2013
Demos: Mushroom's Ride
Finally, here it is: a new APOCALYX demo, Mushroom's Ride. Move the fairy through the stone blocks to collect as many mushrooms as possible. As usual, the sources are included so users can easily modify and extend the demo at will. In fact, the source is written in a "*.lua" file, that one can modify with a simple text editor, while the data is included in a "*.dat" file, that is nothing else than a ZIP renamed. Enjoy the demo!
- April 28th 2008
Engine: Version 0.9.2
The 0.9.2 release of the engine includes improvements in the rendering of several model formats and bug fixes. To download the engine in a easy-to-get 60 Mb installer go to the Downloads page.
- New demo (in DemoPack3):
- TheTrenches shows how to animate MDL models.
You can download the runtime of the engine and the demo packages from the Downloads page. For more detailed descriptions of the demos, visit the Demos page. Feel free to ask more about the new engine capabilities on the forums or by e-mail. Visit the APOCALYX Blog to read daily news about the engine and its development.
- April 14th 2008
Movies: New Movie Available
A long time has passed since the last movie about APOCALYX and a lot of new demos were created in the meantime, so I collected several cuts, joined them together in an AVI file and uploaded its 20Mb to YouTube.
If you are interested, visit the APOCALYX BLOG to get a direct link to this new movie.
- April 10th 2008
Blog: First posts in the APOCALYX Blog
Ok, I know it's boring to wait for news about the APOCALYX 3D Engine on the official site (here), so I have decided to start a blog that I'm going to update often with news about the recent developments. Visit it at http://apocalyx.blogspot.com
- March 3rd 2008
Engine: Version 0.9.1 Full Installer
The 0.9.1 release of the engine is now available as a single 50 Mb installer for Windows: a must for those lucky enough to navigate through a fast internet connection. Visit the Downloads page to get the installer.
- February 27th 2008
Tutor: Four New Tutorials
It's now available a series of four tutorials by Roswell_r that cover is a very simple and clear way some basic topics about the engine programming.
Visit the Tutorials page to get the sources and read the tutorials.
- February 4th 2008
Engine: Sources 0.9.1
The 0.9.1 release of the sources are finally available. Visit the Downloads page to download them.
- January 3rd 2008
Engine: Version 0.9.1 and New Demos
The 0.9.1 release of the engine includes two new libraries, an additional model format and bug fixes.
The libraries are IUP, a GUI with native widgets, and libSQL, to access MySQL databases. The new model format is MDL, the Half-Life 1 format.
- New demos (in DemoPack3):
- ModelMDL and ModelMDL_2 show how to manage MDL models;
- ModelMS3D_2 and ModelMS3D_3 demostrate some bug fixes in MS3D models support;
- NativeGuiDialog shows the interaction between a Windows dialog and the engine, thanks to the help of the IUP library.
You can download the runtime of the engine and the demo packages from the Downloads page. For more detailed descriptions of the demos, visit the Demos page. Feel free to ask more about the new engine capabilities on the forums or by e-mail.
Here you can see a few screenshots from the demos.
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