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LUA Script Language


To read the description of the APOCALYX 3D Engine demos, click on the links below.
Remember that you must also download the latest executable of the APOCALYX runtime at the Downloads page, then unzip all the downloaded files in the same folder and run the APOCALYX.exe executable.
If you want to modify the demos, consider that the "*.dat" files are simply ZIP files the extension of which was renamed (they contain the media files needed by the demos) and the "*.lua" files are text files (they contain the code of the scripts).

  1. Hoverjet Racing
    A simple racing demo.

  2. Urban Tactics
    A simple third person shooter.

  3. Dragon's Ride
    A simple shoot'em up demo.

  4. Mushroom's Ride
    A simple catch'em up demo.

  5. Zeke on Your Six!
    A simple flight simulator.

  6. Flying Circus
    A simple flight simulator with a generator of random terrains.

  7. Sure as a Gun
    A viewer of resources from the WesternQ3 MOD.

  8. "El Paso" Level
    Another level from the WesternQ3 MOD.

  9. "Genoa" Level
    A huge level showing some views from Genoa, Italy.

  10. Physics Demo
    A simple simulator of cloths and rigid/soft bodies.

  11. Demo Pack 0
    A collection of several demos featuring some of the engine capabilities.

  12. Demo Pack 1
    Another collection of several demos showing some of the engine features.

  13. Demo Pack 2
    A further collection of demos featuring advanced engine capabilities.

  14. Demo Pack 3
    An additional collection of demos showing the latest engine capabilities.

1. Hoverjet Racing

A simple racing demo.

Download HoverjetRacing-lua-0.8.5.zip (1.88 Mb)

Featuring skybox, lens flare, cloud layer, infinite terrain, ocean waves, height fields, particle system, sprites, billboards, particle-based physics engine, simple shadows, 3DS models, overlay texts, 3D sound, MIDI music and more.

Hoverjet Racing (sh1) Hoverjet Racing (sh2) Hoverjet Racing (sh3) Hoverjet Racing (sh4) Hoverjet Racing (sh5) Hoverjet Racing (sh6) Hoverjet Racing (sh7) Hoverjet Racing (sh8)

2. Urban Tactics

A simple third person shooter.

Download UrbanTactics-lua-0.8.0.zip (1.07 Mb)

Featuring skybox, lens flare, bsp level, particle system, animated sprites, simple shadows, particle-based physics engine, MD3 and MD2 models, overlay texts, 3D sound, MIDI music and more.

Urban Tactics (sh1) Urban Tactics (sh2) Urban Tactics (sh3) Urban Tactics (sh4)

3. Dragon's Ride

A simple shoot'em up demo.

Download DragonsRide-lua-0.8.8.zip (2.79 Mb)

Featuring skybox, lens flare, tiled terrain, particle system, sprites, planar shadows, MD2 models, overlay texts, 3D sound, MIDI music and more.

Dragon's Ride (sh1) Dragon's Ride (sh1)

4. Mushroom's Ride

A simple catch'em up demo.

Download MushRide-lua-0.9.3.zip (1.30 Mb)

Featuring skybox, lens flare, tiled terrain, planar shadows, shadow volumes, MD2 models, overlay texts, MIDI music and more.

Mushroom's Ride

5. Zeke on Your Six!

A simple flight simulator.

Download ZekeOnYourSix-lua-0.8.2.zip (612 Kb)

Featuring skybox, lens flare, infinite terrain, particle system, particle-based physics engine, simple shadows, 3DS models, overlay texts, 3D sound, MIDI music and more.

Zeke on Your Six! (sh1) Zeke on Your Six! (sh2) Zeke on Your Six! (sh3) Zeke on Your Six! (sh4) Zeke on Your Six! (sh5) Zeke on Your Six! (sh6) Zeke on Your Six! (sh7) Zeke on Your Six! (sh8)

6. Flying Circus

A simple flight simulator with a generator of random terrains.

Download FluingCircus-lua-0.9.0.zip (877 Kb)

Featuring skybox, lens flare, infinite terrain, heightfield generator, texture generator, particle system, particle-based physics engine, simple shadows, MS3D models, overlay texts, 3D sound, MIDI music and more.

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot

7. Sure as a Gun

A viewer of resources from the WesternQ3 MOD.    WesternQ3

Download SureAsAGun-lua-0.8.8.zip (5.07 Mb)

Featuring skybox, lens flare, bsp level, particle system, simple shadows, MD3 models from WesternQ3 MOD, overlay texts, 3D sound, MIDI music and more.

Sure as a Gun

8. "El Paso" Level

Another level from the WesternQ3 MOD.    WesternQ3

Download ElPaso-lua-0.8.13.zip (4.09 Mb)

Featuring skybox, bsp level from WesternQ3 MOD and more.

El Paso (sh1) El Paso (sh2) El Paso (sh3) El Paso (sh4)

9. "Genoa" Level

A huge level showing some views of Genoa, Italy.   
"Zena on my mind" (Genoa, Italy)
was created by massimagnus

Download Genoa-lua-0.8.13.zip (11.9 Mb)

Featuring skybox, lens flare, bsp level and more.

Genoa (sh1) Genoa (sh2) Genoa (sh3) Genoa (sh4) Genoa (sh5) Genoa (sh6)

10. Physics Demo

A simple simulator of cloths and rigid/soft bodies.

Download PhysicsDemo-lua-0.8.3.zip (318 Kb)

Featuring skybox, lens flare, flat terrain, particle-based physics engine, 3DS models and more.

Physics Demo (sh1) Physics Demo (sh2) Physics Demo (sh3) Physics Demo (sh4) Physics Demo (sh5) Physics Demo (sh6) Physics Demo (sh7) Physics Demo (sh8)

11. Demo Pack 0

A collection of several demos featuring some of the engine capabilities.

Download DemoPack0-lua-0.8.10.zip (2.80 Mb)

The package contains the following 13 demos:
ModelCal3D (skybox, cloud layer, flat terrain with reflections, Cal3D model, planar shadow), ModelMD3 (skybox, lens flare, flat terrain with reflections, MD3 models, planar shadow), ModelMD2 (skybox, lens flare, flat terrain with reflections, MD2 models, planar shadow), Models (skybox, starfield, lens flare, flat terrain with reflections, MD3 models, 3DS models, flag simulator, fire light, 3D sound), ClothDemo (skybox, lens flare, flat terrain with reflections, 3DS model, flag simulator, 3D sound), ClothDemo2 (skybox, lens flare, flat terrain with reflections, 3DS models, cloth simulator, MIDI music), OceanWaves (skybox, lens flare, height field, billboards, ocean waves), Volcano (skybox, lens flare, height field, particle system, ocean waves), OuterSpace (starfield, lens flare, 3DS models, MIDI music), FireAndSmoke (skybox, lens flare, 3DS model, particle system, 3D sound), BumpMapping(starfield, light, 3DS model, old-style emboss bump mapping, MIDI music), IslesFlyThrough (skybox, lens flare, flat terrain with animation and reflection, 3DS models, height fields, billboards, 3D sound), BspLevel (skybox, lens flare, bsp level, particle system, MD3 model, 3D sound), Viewports (viewport, world view, skybox, starfield, lens flare, flat terrain with reflections, MD3 models, 3DS models, flag simulator, fire light, 3D sound).

12. Demo Pack 1

Another collection of several demos showing some of the engine features.

Download DemoPack1-lua-0.8.13.zip (1.20 Mb)

The package contains the following demos:
RenderToTexture (demostrates how to render scene in textures, then applied to objects), GraphicToTexture (shows how to draw graphic primitives in textures, then applied to objects), AviToTexture (shows how to render Avi movies in textures, then again applied to objects), TweakBarAndEmitter (features a draft of a particle emitter editor that uses the powerful "AntTweakBar" GUI to tweak the parameters of the emitter), TextureGenerator (creates algorithmically sample textures through the use of the "TxSynth" library), RefractiveSphere (explains how to create a material with a fragment program attached), SkyDome (demostrates the use of the sky dome background), Font (a very simple example that shows the use of custom bitmapped and textured fonts), Texture3D (describes the creation of 3d textures, then attached to a terrain), Primitives2D (shows different ways to create 2D primitives), ShapeMaker (describes a way to create meshes dynamically), ObjectsHierarchy (very simple example about hierarchies of objects transformations), Coldet (demostrates the use of the Coldet collision detection library), BouncingBall (a very simple example about the ODE physics library), BallsOnTrimesh (another example about the ODE physics library performing a trimesh), PathFinding (a simple example about the path finding module), FiniteStateMachine (shows the different functions available to control finite state machines), SteeringBehaviors (a complex example that demostrate the use of "steering behaviors" applied to animated models), NewZip (shows how to create and fill zipped files), AngelScript (a simple example about the use of the AngelCode scripting language), CslScript (a simple example about the use of the CSL scripting language), TinyCInit (describes a way to mix code written in C and LUA), ToLuaDemo (demostrates a way to embed C code in LUA using tolua++), LoadDLL (shows different ways to load functions from DLLs), ReadHtmlPage (explains how to read an HTML page from a server), Joystick (lists the functions available to control joystick devices). CaptureAudio (shows how to capture audio data from the microphone). AudioCd (explains how to control playback of audio CD-Rom devices). Speak (shows the use of the speech synthesizer). 3DAccelInfo (shows information about the 3D accelerator programmable pipeline capabilities).

13. Demo Pack 2

A further collection of demos featuring advanced engine capabilities.

Download DemoPack2-lua-0.9.0.zip (1.00 Mb)

The package contains the following demos:
Gui (describes how to use several GUI components), CustomModelMD3 (shows how to define the animations of customized MD3 models), ModelMSD3 (describes how to load and animate MSD3 models), ParticleSystem (demostrates the possibilities of the "Particle" library in simple situations; the included demos are: Fire & Snow and Bounce), Shading Language (shows how to use simple GLSL vertex and fragment shaders; the included demos are: Parallax Mapping, Procedural Bricks and Toon Shading), Sparks (shows how to use a new entity useful to simulate electric sparks), Stellarium (is a realistic sky renderer that shows the real positions of planets and stars), TrueTypeFonts (shows how to render true type fonts in the 3d scene or the 2D overlay), UnicodeTrueTypeFonts (shows how to render unicode text using true type fonts in the 3d scene or the 2D overlay), OggMusic (describes how to load and play OggVorbis music samples), ProcessMessage (shows an alternate way to process the game loop), ScriptObject (describes how to render script defined object using OpenGL primitives).

14. Demo Pack 3

An additional collection of demos showing the latest engine features.

Download DemoPack3-lua-0.9.2.zip (3.30 Mb)

The package contains the following demos:
ModelMSD3_2 and ModelMSD3_3 (describe how to load and animate MSD3 models), ModelMDL, ModelMDL_2 and TheTrenches (describe how to load and animate MDL models), NativeGuiDialog (explains how to use the IUP native GUI library).


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