A list of demos, from very simple to complex, provided by some users of the engine.
To read the description of the demos, click on the links below. Remember that you must also download the latest executable of the APOCALYX runtime at the Downloads page, then unzip all the downloaded files in the same folder and run the APOCALYX.exe executable.
If you want to modify the demos, consider that the "*.dat" files are simply ZIP files the extension of which was renamed (they contain the media files needed by the demos) and the "*.lua" files are text files (they contain the code of the scripts).
- Miguel Manchego Rivas
- Treasure Hunter
A preview of a side scroller shoot'em up demo.
- Shooter Level
A preview of a third person shooter demo.
This version demostrates an improved jump routine.
- Robin Knight
- Simple First Person Shooter 2 and 3
A simple first person shooter developed as a work in progress with a large level, lot of enemies and powerups.
The packages include an interesting tutorial where the author describes the main characteristics of the demo.
- Christian Vanleth
- Cal3D Test
An example of Cal3D model animation.
The package includes the Cal3D model also in Blender format.
An early preview of a "shoot'em up" demo.
Download (3.05 Mb)
A preview of a "third person shooter" demo.
This version demostrates an improved jump routine.
Download (2.05 Mb)
A simple first person shooter developed as a work in progress with a large level, lot of enemies and powerups.
The packages include an interesting tutorial where the author describes the main characteristics of the demo.
Download Version 3 (3.96 Mb)
Download Version 2 (1.58 Mb)
An example of Cal3D model animation.
The package includes the Cal3D model in Blender format.
Download (86 Kb)