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  1. Engine
  2. Editor
  3. Demos
  4. Games
  5. Sources


  • APOCALYX 3D Engine (Full Installer) APOCALYX-Installer-0.9.3.exe (63.2 Mb)
    This Windows executable installs a full featured version of the engine. If you download it, you don't need to download any other of the files listed below (except a few optional ones).
    The installer includes: the runtime executable, the documentation, the 14 demo packages and the sources.
    The installer DOES NOT include: the NsEditor and the Gun-Tactyx Game executable and sources (read below for instructions on how to download these files, if you need them).

  • APOCALYX 3D Engine (Executable only) Apocalyx-exe-0.9.3.zip (3.85 Mb)
    The package contains the executable of the engine and some support files.

  • APOCALYX 3D Engine (Docs only) Apocalyx-doc-0.9.3.zip (2.37 Mb)
    The package contains the documentation of the engine.


To execute the following demos, the APOCALYX 3D Engine runtime listed above is required, so you must download it first. Then unzip it and one or more of the packages listed below in the same folder and run the executable APOCALYX.exe

  1. Hoverjet Racing HoverjetRacing-lua-0.8.5.zip (1.88 Mb)
    A simple racing demo.

  2. Urban Tactics UrbanTactics-lua-0.8.0.zip (1.07 Mb)
    A simple third person shooter.

  3. Dragon's Ride DragonsRide-lua-0.8.8.zip (2.79 Mb)
    A simple "shoot'em up" demo.

  4. Mushroom's Ride MushRide-lua-0.9.3.zip (1.30 Mb)
    A simple "catch'em up" demo.

  5. Zeke on Your Six! ZekeOnYourSix-lua-0.8.2.zip (612 Kb)
    A simple flight simulator.

  6. Flying Circus FlyingCircus-lua-0.9.0.zip (877 Kb)
    A simple flight simulator with a generator of random terrains.

  7. Sure as a Gun SureAsAGun-lua-0.8.8.zip (5.07 Mb)
    A viewer of resources from the WesternQ3 MOD.

  8. "El Paso" Level ElPaso-lua-0.8.13.zip (4.09 Mb)
    Another level from the WesternQ3 MOD.

  9. "Genoa" Level Genoa-lua-0.8.13.zip (11.9 Mb)
    A huge level showing some views of Genoa, Italy.

  10. Physics Demo PhysicsDemo-lua-0.8.3.zip (318 Kb)
    A simple simulator of cloths and rigid/soft bodies.

  11. Demo Pack 0 DemoPack0-lua-0.8.10.zip (2.80 Mb)
    A collection of several demos featuring some of the engine capabilities.

  12. Demo Pack 1 DemoPack1-lua-0.8.13.zip (1.20 Mb)
    Another collection of several demos showing some of the engine features.

  13. Demo Pack 2 DemoPack2-lua-0.9.0.zip (1.00 Mb)
    A further collection of demos featuring advanced engine capabilities.

  14. Demo Pack 3 DemoPack3-lua-0.9.2.zip (3.30 Mb)
    An additional collection of demos showing the latest engine features.


  • GUN-TACTYX GunTactyx-exe-1.1.5.zip (1.74 Mb)
    The package contains the (standalone) executable of the game, the documentation and some support files.

    GUN-TACTYX (gun-tactics) is a programming game based on the concept of the 1985 Tom Poindexter's CROBOTS but completely in 3D: That's why I call it a "CROBOTS-like game with QUAKE3-style graphics".
    Some teams of warriors fight in an arena, firing bullets and grenades and avoiding enemies' projectiles. At the end only one team will survive! This game is involving but not interactive: The player must develop the AI algorithms of his own team of bots with a simple C-like scripting language, then he can upload it to the online repository to challenge bots written by other players.
    Don't miss to visit the official site of the game:
    GUN-TACTYX at GameProg.it.


  • APOCALYX 3D Engine 0.9.3 Apocalyx-src-0.9.3.zip (19.1 Mb)
    The package contains the sources of the engine and all the needed libraries. To recompile you need the Code::Blocks IDE rc2 with the Free Borland C++ Command Line Compiler 5.5.1 installed. No other compilers or IDEs are supported. See the "readme" file in the documentation for more details on recompilation.

    Remember that you don't need these C++ sources to create programs with APOCALYX. The engine should be used through scripts written in LUA or in the other supported languages. The sources are provided only for those who want to see its inner workings or improve its capabilities.

  • GUN-TACTYX 1.1.5 GunTactyx-src-1.1.5.zip (1.13 Mb)
    The package contains the sources of the game and all the needed libraries. To recompile you need the Code::Blocks IDE with the Free Borland C++ Command Line Compiler 5.5.1 installed. No other compilers or IDEs are supported.

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